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Tianchi Lake
( 2005-09-13 )

In summer, the beautiful lake is an ideal cool resort. Boaters on the lake can see the ever-changing silvery mountains soaring into the blue sky, their slopes highlighted with verdant pasture and flamboyant wild flowers. People can walk in the forests, or trek in the depth of the mountain; boating can also be done on the lake. In winter, this place is covered by snow. The lake is also frozen, producing a perfect alpine ski rink.

The Heavenly Lake scenic area can be divided into four natural view belts: the lower mountain belt, the mountain coniferous forest belt, the alpine and sub-alpine belt, the and ice and snow belt. Riding a horse, one can, within one day, arrive at the foot of the Bogeda Peak that is the highest peak of the eastern part of the Tianshan Mountains.

Tianshan Mountain and the Heavenly Lake are also abundant in forest and animal resources. Apart from the dragon spruces, condense-leaf poplars, and birches, there are extensively spread medicinal herbs like snow lotus, caladium, and edible plants, as well as abundant animals, such as red deer, argali (a large wild sheep), Beishan sheep,snow leopards, stone martens, lynxes, snow weasels, snow chickens, Tianshan deer, bighorn sheep, Tianshan antelope, and roe deer, and so on.

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