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Experience Musical Variety at Zhangjiajie



French renowned singer Cyril Niccolai and Chinese singer A Duo are singing Chinese pop song, The Moon Represents My Heart, at the opening ceremony

Argentina's top-class tango troupe Carlos brought to the stage their enthusiastic rendition of the traditional tango dance "Mala Junta" and their eye-dazzling performance pleased the crowd.

Many other overseas participants also joined in with entertaining performances during the opening ceremony and treated music fans with a real dose of country music, including hits such as "Leaving on a Jet Plane", "Psalm of Nile" and "Country Road Takes Me Home".


Lucy Angel Band and Megan Sheehan Band from United States are performing John Denver’s classic Country Roads Take Me Home at the opening ceremony

Country music, born in the southern parts of the U.S. during the 1920s, was originally popular among people in the countryside. It has now grown into a worldwide phenomenon.

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