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Acrobatics Show Journey to the West



The chapter of Flaming Mountain overwhelms audience with remarkable fighting scenes between Monkey and Iron Fan Princess and her husband Ox Demon. In the story, Xuanzhang and his disciples are blocked by the Flaming Mountain, an impassable mountain range, on their way to India. Monkey realizes that the only way through is to borrow the indestructible magic fan from the Iron Fan Princess. The Princess, however, angry with the Monkey King for having sent her son to be a disciple of the Goddess of Mercy, refuses to lend him the fan. A fight between them breaks out. In this scene, the “Hoop Diving on the Trampoline” stunt is used to depict Monkey’s fierce battle against Iron Fan Princess and Ox Demon.

Performance information

Time: 2009.1.14-2009.1.30

Venue: Beijing Exhibition Theatre

Ticket: 100/200/300/480/680/880 Ticket package: 600/800/1000/1200/1500

Ticket line: 6835 4455


Guangzhou Acrobatic Troupe

China Oriental Song and Dance Troupe

Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts Troupe

Guangdong Dance School

By Dong Jirong

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