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Acrobatics Show Journey to the West



Adapted into TV serials, films, cartoons, and traditional Chinese operas, Journey to the West, a Chinese classic novel written by Wu Cheng’en some four hundred years ago, has forever remained popular among the general public, both old and young. As witness to its eternal life soon, it’ll take on a new look adapted into an acrobatics show to be staged in the second half of January at the Beijing Exhibition Theatre, coinciding with the upcoming Chinese spring festival.

The story of Journey to the West relates the amazing adventures of the monk Xuanzang in the 7th century as he travels west to India in search of Buddhist sutras with his three disciples, the irreverent and capable Monkey, greedy Pigsy, and Friar Sandy. The principle story consists of eighty-one calamities suffered by the four on their way west.


Largely based on the original story, the adapted acrobatics show has six chapters, ranging from Born of Monkey King to Havoc in Heaven, Three Fights against White Demon, The Kingdom of Women - The Cave of Silken Web, The Mountain of Fire, and the Epilogue.


This award-winning Chinese show features an exciting combination of dance, suspension, martial arts, and acrobatics. It’s performed by Chinese Oriental Dancing troupe, Guangdong Dancing Academy, Guangzhou Acrobatic Troupe and Henan Shaolin Temple Martial Team, with the performers totaling 150. The director is Chen Weiya, who directed the 2008 Olympic opening and closing ceremonies together with Zhang Yimou.

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