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Cultural Year of Greece in China: Embracing Greek Culture in China


The Medea myth is a masterpiece of ancient Greek literature. The beautiful witch falls in love with Jason, a prince from another country. Despising her position as a princess, Medea kills her brother to help Jason steal a national treasure - the Golden Fleece. But her great sacrifice of love turned out to be a mere joke. Upon returning home, Jason abandons Medea, sparing no efforts to win the heart of the princess Glauce in exchange for power. So Medea embarks on a journey of mad revenge. She first presents poisoned clothing to her husband's new love, burning her to death, then, kills the two sons Jason had borne her. Finally she mounts the fiery chariot of the sun god, leaving behind her husband - stripped of everything.


Musical performances were highlighted in a concert that celebrated 2,500 years of Greek music representing the whole gamut of musical tradition, and a performance by the Beijing Symphony Orchestra, that featured works by contemporary Greek musical luminaries as well as a tour of six cities by the Athens State Orchestra.

Concert of Greek Music by the State Orchestra—Official Closing of the Year

Orchestra Directed by Stavros Xarhakos

Soloists: Maria Farantouri, Dimitra Galani, Manolis Mitsias

Beijing, Open Area of the Millenium Monument, September 19, 2008

The Cultural Year of Greece will be officially closed with a concert by the State Orchestra directed by S. Xarhakos, offering some of the most celebrated Greek songs by three top Greek singers.

Exhibitions and Books


Agon: The Spirit of Competition in Ancient Greece

Beijing, Capital Museum, August 4 - October 14, 2008

166 national treasures from the National Archaeological Museum of Greece are on exhibit at the Capital Museum with most on their first overseas tour. These valuables were created during the 6th and 5th Centuries B.C. The pottery, sculptures, small statues and ancient coins show the importance of competitive games in ancient Greeks' daily life.

Due to their priceless value, the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China attach great importance to these exhibits with them receiving first-class security treatment while in China. These relics, divided into four parts, aim at displaying the history of the competitive games in Greece.

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