Gu Kaizhiand the Beginning ofScroll Painting

Luoshen Appraisal Painting by Gu Kaizhi
Chinese paintingcame a long way during the 300-year period that saw the rise and fall of theThree Kingdoms Period(220-280), theJin Dynasty (265-420)and theNorthern and Southern Dynasties(420-581). Although there was the chaos of wars and many dynastic changes during this period, active intellectual life of different schools provided a great impetus to artistic development. Well known grotto murals, tomb paintings, stone carvings, brick carvings and lacquer paintings were produced during that period, and a number of virtuosos emerged inChinese calligraphyand painting. Certain painting theories, such asthe Graphic Theory and the Six Rule Theorythat form the theoretical basis for present-day Chinese painting, were also put forward during this time. Gu Kaizhi, known as the founder of traditional Chinese painting, and his scroll paintings, represented the painting style of the period.
Gu Kaizhi was born into an official family in Wuxi,Jiangsu Province. He served as a government officer when he was young, and toured many beautiful places. He had a sense of humor, and was also adept at writing poems and essays. Chinese art history abounds in anecdotes about him.
Once atemplewas planned for Jiankang (present-dayNanjing), but the monks and the abbot could not collect enough money for the construction. While they were worrying about the funds to build the temple, a young man came and said he would donate a large amount of money. The abbot did not believe him, thinking that he was boasting. The young man suggested drawing a picture of the Buddha on a wall and collecting money from those who came to see him at work. For three consecutive days, thousands of people crowded the place to see the young man painting the Buddha. When he finally added the eye lines, the Buddha seemed to come alive, and the viewers cheered and applauded the young man's artistry. The money needed for the consummate construction of the temple was raised. The young man was Gu Kaizhi.