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  Created in China>Art Treasures>Chinese Performance Art>Chinese Acrobatics
Rhapsody in Silver


For example, eight acrobats execute a succession of double reverse somersaults while keeping their bodies straight. Two acrobats grasp hands after one completes two and a half somersaults and the other one and a half somersaults. The routine includes a four-person pyramid with the acrobat on top performing a handstand on only one hand. The routine also includes acrobats performing quadruple somersaults while maintaining straight bodies. One acrobat performs a one and a half forward somersault prior to landing in the hands of another performer. The latter throws the former into the air three times prior to completion of the somersault routine.

The act not only show that women have entered a field once dominated by men, but also show the addition of feminine beauty to muscular activity.

Rhapsody in Silver is a highly difficult act that reflects the human desire to surpass previous achievements, break away from confinement on the earth and fly into the immense starry sky and space. The act we see today has undergone five revisions.

Rhapsody in Silver, a routine famous for its difficult skills, artistic integrity, and rich philosophy, has won numerous awards in international competition and has won the acclaim of audiences worldwide. It has attained a high level of artistry by perfectly integrating highly difficult acrobatic skills with graceful dance movements. The combination of excellent stage design, lighting, musical accompaniment, costumes, and spotlights and stars in the immense sky enables the routine to break from the practice of simply striving for the effect of merry dance and music.

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