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Cantonese Businesspeople


Distant from mainstream Chinese culture has also led to a greater belief in local superstitious practices, such as face reading, feng shui (an ancient Chinese practice that configures work or home environments in ways that promote health, happiness, and prosperity) and belief in fate.

 The adventurous Cantonese businessmen

Cantonese businessmen are an adventurous group. They are likely to give it a try when sensing the smell of money. That may be due to the long Cantonese history of contact with the overseas world, which dates back at least to as early as theHan Dynasty(206BC-220AD).

Yue people are always open-minded, ready to accept new things, and are good at copying and apprehending both material and spiritual achievements from the Western world, then incorporating them with their own traditional culture.

The influence of the advanced Western ideology and the adventurous tint in their blood may somehow explain the fact that a bunch of Yue elites in modern Chinese history stood up, one after one, to fight for the overthrowing of feudal imperialism, and also the fact that they have always been at the forefront of economic development after the establishment of thePeople's Republic of Chinain 1949.

For instance, Kang Youwei, a Guangdong native and the grandfather of China's modern reform, introduced Western political systems. Sun Yat Sen, the founder ofthe Republic of China(1911-1949), led China's republican revolution in 1911.

In business, Cantonese prefer to take advantage of new opportunities, because it is, in their view, relatively easy to get monopoly profits from new business. In this sense, Cantonese are risk takers.

 Unwavering pursuit of money

Cantonese are born hardworking and are ready to face any toughness ahead in their life. The ultimate goal of all the efforts is nothing but money. So the big wealth the Cantonese businesspeople accumulate is no wonder to people from inland China.

The determination to make money also contributes to the high efficiency of Cantonese businesspeople. Once a business chance appears, they will seize it as soon as possible.

 Business and business only

With their courage to explore new horizons always, their broad insight, their strong sense of commerce and value, and their talent and skill in calculating, the Cantonese have created the multi-dimensional agricultural commodity economy in the Pearl River Delta, and have gained the reputation of "Guangbang businesspeople" (Yue businesspeople).

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