In the 1930s, “new print” as advocated by Lu Xun came into vogue. A large number of young art students, moved by deep sympathy for the suffering people and concern for the endangered nation, responded to this trend with their down-to-earth artworks. In the 1940s, the “new print” diverged into two schools: one in areas under the Kuomintang regime, which exposed and criticized the Japanese invaders’ brutality, the Kuomintang government’s dark rule and the people’s misery and struggle; the other in the liberated regions, where the happy life of the freed people and the courage of the Eighth Route Army were celebrated with exalted spirit. By drawing nourishment from traditional and folk Chinese fine arts, prints of this time formed a new style of their own, with great freshness, animation and a uniquely Chinese flavour, which gained them wide acclaim at print art expositions of the then USSR, the United States, the United Kingdom, India and New Zealand.
1,怒 潮 木版 13X18CM 1935年 李 桦 1.Rage, China Woodprint 13×18cm 1935 Li Hua
2,孤独――流亡途中所见 2.Solitude in Exile Woodprint 21×17cm 1943 Huang Xinbo |
3,饥 饿 3.Hunger Woodprint 12.5×17.4cm 1939 Li Pingfan |
4,神圣的教堂 4.In a Holy Church Woodprint 21×23cm 1942 Lin Yangzheng |
5,放大镜下的法西斯 5.Fascism in the Magnifying Glass Woodprint 11×11cm 1943 Zhao Yannian |
6、教 授 6.Professors Woodprint 21.5×16.5cm 1947 Yang Keyang |
7、朱门外《台湾生活组画》 7.Outside the Red Gate (from “Scenes of Taiwan”)Woodprint 19×16cm |
8、破碉堡 8.Shattered Fortress Woodprint 15×8cm 1944 Zou Ya |
9、嘉陵纤夫 9.Boat-trackers of Jialing River Woodprint 38×25.5cm |
10、桂林紧急疏散 10.Evacuation in Guilin Woodprint 23×32cm 1945 Cai Dizhi |
11、沉默的抗议 11.Silent Resistance Woodprint 29×20.5cm 1947 Yang Nexiong |
12、街 头 12.In the Street Woodprint 21×16cm 1947 Shao Keping |
13、抢 米 13.Scramble for Rice Woodprint 22.6×25cm 1947 Zhao Yannian |
14、采石工 14.Stone-slab Cutter Woodprint 23×28cm 1945Wang Qi |
15、同心协力 15.Gung-ho! Woodprint 25×28cm 1945 Lin Jun |
16、愤怒的人民 16.The Indignant People Woodprint 21×21cm 1948 Yang Nexiong
Bean-voting oodprint 7×29cm 1948 an Han |
18、烧毁地契 18.Burning the Land Contract Woodprint 20×25cm 1947 u Yuan |
19、苦 力
20、家破人亡 20.A Damaged Family Woodprint 15×22cm 1948 Wang Renfeng
21、饮木 木版 14X19CM 1938年 力 群 21.Drinking Woodprint 14×19cm 1938 Li Qun |
22、重 建 22.Reconstruction Woodprint 32×24cm 1942 Li Shaoyan |