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  Library>China ABC>Religion>Taoist Doctrines
Daode Jing


Daode Jing(Classic of the Way and its Power) is also called asLaoziandLaozi Wuqianwen(five thousand articles). Tradition has it that Laozi, the founder of the Taoism, wrote this book, soDaode Jingis regarded as the greatest classic of Taoism. In fact, since it all-roundly embodies the worldview and philosophy of ancient Chinese people, it is also one of the most important philosophic books of ancient China, and has exerted great influence on the lives of Chinese people.

Daode Jingconsists of two sections: the first sectionDao Jingis from Chapter 1 to Chapter 37, and the second sectionDe Jingis from Chapter 38 to Chapter 81. All the contents ofDaode Jingmainly elaborate the profound meanings ofDao(Tao) andDe(Virtue), representing the philosophic thoughts of Laozi.

As described by Laozi,Daoexplains his cosmic view from the ontological point, including the life philosophy and the principles of cultivation methods. He thought that the Tao has no shape and cannot be seen, but it is the fountainhead of the universe. Everything comes from its movements and changes.The basic connotation ofDeis one feature represented by the universe of noumenal Tao; i.e.Deis the concrete embodiment ofDao.

Laozi's description ofDaoandDeanalyzes the various connotations of the universe, the world and human beings from different perspectives.

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