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Collection of Chinese Folk Dances



Xinjiang Volume: Sainaimu of the Uygur Ethnic Group

Sainaimu is a very entertaining dance most frequently seen in the daily life of the Uygur ethnic group and very popular in the congregated areas of the Uygur ethnic group in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It is performed almost at all gatherings of the local people.

While dancing, the dancers move to the music in an improvised way and both freely and lively. It can be done by a single dancer or two and even several with a peaceful beginning. As the dance develops, the dancers get more and more excited and even shout to their heart's content as the music goes to its climax with drums and other instruments.

 Ritual Dances

Yunnan Volum: Attacking An Ox Dance of the Dulong Ethnic Group

Attacking An Ox Dance is a ritual dance of the Dulong Ethnic Group inYunnan Provinceand has existed up till today as a traditional ceremony. "attacking an ox to sacrifice the heavens" which usually lasts from three days to seven or nine days and during which this dance must be done everyday.

The movements of this dance are mainly done by the dancer's legs which are naturally followed by his torso in all directions, thus forming the unique style of its own.

Yunnan Volume: Tiaopanwang of the Yao Ethnic Group

Tiaopanwang is a ritual dance redeeming a vow to the Panwang in Yunnan Province. According to the historical record of the Yao people like "Pingwangquandie" or the ancient song "Piaoyangguohai" (Crossing the Sea), Panwang is both the ancestor of the Yao and a great hero as well, whose spirit still helps the Yao by his personal appearance and solving their problems even after his death. In order to commemo-rate his kind deeds, the Yao people have developed a ritual as an every three and five years' tradition as "Redeeming A Vow to Panwang", at which, this dance is performed.

Yunnan Volume: Jinzhaizhai of the Jingpo Ethnic Group

Jinzhaizhai is an old traditional ritual dance for funerals of the Jingpo ethnic group in Yunnan Province and the dancers are naked with wild rattans and leafs circling their waists and capping their heads while some of them covering their heads with pig's bladders only with some holes to give space to their eyes, noses, and mouths. The naked parts of their bodies are painted with black and white patterns and the dancers masquer-ade themselves as male or female birds or animals.

The dance is impromptu to a large extent while the dancer holds a stick in each hand and imitates the movements of animals and even their sexual acts. In addition, he sometimes imitates the beasts' howl, which aims to watch out for devils and keep them out of people.

Guizhou Volume: Hougu (Monkey Drum) Dance of the Maonan Ethnic Group

Monkey Dance, a traditional form at funerals of the Maonans inGuizhou Province, is performed by a wizard and popular in some villages of Pingtang County.

Monkey Dance consists of two kinds: one is performed by a single male dancer, and the other by two dancers. There are three parts of the content: "The Birth of the Monkey", "The Monkey Striking the Stake", and "The Monkey Holding Fire to Illuminate", which stand for the origin, unity and bravery, and the loyalty to their ancestors' last wish of the Maonan People. Nowadays, Monkey Dance has become a self-entertaining piece favoured by the local people.

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