March 3, 2025

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  Library>Culture ABC>Music>Introduction
Living Fossil of Chinese Ancient Music


The highly acclaimed surviving notation (more than 3,600 pieces) constitutes a large corpus of ancient Chinese melodies written in a rare and ancient "half-character" notation system, which is closely linked with Tang and Song notation systems. It provides important evidence in the search for some of the music lost from the Tang and Song periods.


About 500 musical pieces have been handed down since then, which can be divided into four categories: ancient Buddhist music, Taoist music, court music of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and music used for sacrifices and celebrations. The collection represents some of the most historically significant pieces of music from China's long history.


Yun luo(a kind of gong)

Jiao Jie, a musical researcher says the good condition of the manuscripts and clarity with which the original music was recorded has made preservation possible.

 Performing styles and musical instruments

Xi'an ancient music still completely retains the traditional performing styles, structures, musical instruments and original names of tunes. It is characterized by wind and percussion ensembles led by thedi zi(bamboo flute) andguan zi(reed pipe).

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