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Tang Minghuang is Also a Musician


Tang Minghuang (618-907 BC), also known as Emperor Xuanzong, was the seventh emperor in the Tang dynasty. He lived in the most prosperous period in the Tang dynasty and was a great ruler.

Tang Minghuang was famous for his love affair with Yang Guifei, his imperial concubine in history. But people seldom learn that he had also a very good ear for music.

Tang Minghuang set up Liyuan (Pear Garden) in the palace to train good performers. He often presented at Liyuan's performances, and corrected their mistakes. Some people say that he was the same as a conductor nowadays.

Tang Minghuang liked dances very much and he composedNishang Yuyi Wu(The Dance in Leathery Clothes) based onPoluomen Qu.

Tang Minghuang was good at playing many instruments includingPipa(lute),Erhu(a two-stringed instrument),Dizi(bamboo flute). He contributed a lot to the art development during that period.

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