Biodiversity is very rich in the Reserve. Tall arbors and shrubs, vines, herbs and moss constitute a harmonious picture. In primitive forests, Chinese Larch, Spruce, Katsura tree and other rare and endangered plants that only China has are well preserved. In mountain grassy marshland, there are many precious Chinese medicinal herbs such as Chinese caterpillar fungus andWujiapi(bark of slender acanthopanax). Therefore, the Reserve enjoys a reputation of kingdom of cold temperate plants. Dense and lush woods and grassland provide favorable conditions for various wild animals to live and breed. The Reserve boasts more than 30 species of national Grade-A and Grade-B protected animals including such notable species as giant pandaAiluropoda melanoleuca, golden snub-nosed monkeyPygathrix roxellanae roxellanae, brown bearUrsus arctos, Asiatic black bearSelenarctos thibetanus, leopardPanthera pardus, Pallas' catFelis manul, Asiatic wild dogCuon alpinus, lesser pandaAilurus fulgensand Sichuan takinBudorcas taxicolor thibetana.