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Junggar Dinosaur


Junggar Basin, located in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomus Region of China's western region, is the area buried with the most abundant dinosaur fossils in the world. Most area of today's Junggar Basin is covered by desert. As far back as 100 million years ago, with vast lakes, flourish vegetation and moderate climate, this area was the paradise for dinosaurs.


The best-known dinosaur fossil found in Junggar Basin is Junggar Pterosaur (Seungaipterus), a variety of flying reptiles living in the Cretaceous period of over 100 million years ago. The prominent feature of pterosaur is its two wings evolved from forelimbs. The Junggar Pterosaur discovered in Xinjiang had a body length of 0.9 meters. Its two wings were up to 2.5 meters in length when spreading. The first three fingers of the forelimbs had degenerated while the fourth finger turned long and rough. The smooth plicated patagium without claw connected the four fingers with body, forming wings for flying. Therefore, the appearance of pterosaurs was more resemble to bat rather than birds. Having wide sternum and hollow limb bones with the same function of that of birds, it was good at flying with lightened weight. The discovery of Junggar Pterosaur (Seungaipterus) has corrected the preconception that pterosaurs only lived by the seaside, which boasts great value for researches on reptiles.

 Bellusaurus sui      

Bellusaurus suiwas a member of Sauropod dinosaurs with small and light body conformation. Its neck was longer than body and forelimbs were longer than hind limbs, which was somewhat similar to giraffes. With spoon-shaped teeth, it could not chew with mouth and had no option but to cut down branches and leaves of vegetation and then swallow up.

 Tianchiasaurus nedegoapeferima

Tianchiasaurus nedegoapeferimawas excavated on the basin margin. It had rigid bone carapace on the back, and long stings on the bone carapace. It was small in body conformation, with a length of no more than 3 meters. There was a coccygeal vertebra in the shape of meteor hammer on the tail. Once encountered with danger, it would play its unique skill of flapping the "meteor hammer", to give a deadly blow to its natural enemy.Tianchiasaurus nedegoapeferimais a member of Ankylosaurida of Jurassic period discovered in Asia for the first time, the name of which was based on the suggestion of eminent America science fiction film director Steven, who bestowed the specific name to the 6 famous stars who make performance in the film "Jurassic Park". Its translated name in Chinese is "famous star" Tianchi disonaur.

 Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum

Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorumwas a member of Sauropod dinosaurs discovered in the east of Junggar Basin by Chinese and Canadian scientists, which was named to commemorate the successful cooperation between scientists from the two countries. With some identical features ofMamenchisaurus hochuanensisdiscovered in Sichuan Province, it was a member of the family ofMamenchisaurus hochuanensis. It is estimated that its body length was up to 30 meters, which is merely inferior to the 34-meter-long "Earthquake Dinosaur" in America. So it is reputed as the "Runner-up Dinosaurian".

In addition, Tienshanosaurus chitaiensis Young, Shanshanosaurus huoyanshanensis Dong, Monolophosaurus jiangi, and Sinraptor dongi are all namable species of dinosaurs unearthed in Junggar Basin. The discovery of these dinosaur fossils provides precious materials for research of ancient animals.

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