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  Library>China ABC>Fauna Flora>Introduction and Regulations>Class I Animals>Mammalia
Slow Loris


With the aliases of Loris and Wind Monkey, it belongs to the Lorisidae family of Primates order. Its scientific name is Nycticebus coucang (Latin), or Slow Loris (English).     

It is a lower-class monkey slow in movement, with a small body form of only 32 to 35 centimeters in length. Its eyes are round and large, two little ears hide in the brushy round head, four limbs are short and grossly in equal length, its second toe still reserves hook fingers, and the short tail is concealed in dense hair tuft. Its back is brown gray or orange yellow, with a tan ridge line from top to dock right in the middle. Its ventral side is brown, and eyes and ears all have black and tan loop spots.

Slow Lorisdwells on trees in tropical rain forests and subtropical monsoon forests, seldom getting down to the ground, and prefers moving about alone. Its actions are particularly slow and logy; only when under attack may it speed up, so it is also named "Loris". In daytime it hides in huge tree holes curling up in glomeration, or rests on tree branches; at night it comes out to look for food. It feeds on fruits, as well as insects, birdie and bird ova. It can mate all the year round, and the gestation period lasts about 193 days. Mostly it litters in winter, one baby per fetus, once in a while two babies. Suckling period is 3.5 months. Under breeding condition, it has a lifespan of 12 to 14 years.

Slow Loris has a small quantity of about 1500 to 2000 heads, mainly distributed in Yunnan Province and southern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

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