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  Library>China ABC>Fauna Flora>Introduction and Regulations>Class I Animals>Mammalia
White-hipped Leaf Monkey


With the alias of Hair-hipped Leaf Monkey or Yellow-faced Leaf Monkey, it belongs to the Cercopithecidae family of Primates order. Its Latin scientific name is Pygathrixnemaeus, and English name White-hipped Leaf Monkey.

The monkey's body length ranges from 61 to 76 centimeters, and the length of tail is 56 to 76 centimeters. It has dense body hair. Most part of the body is grey, except for black in extremities, and white in front arms, wrists, tail, beard, larynx, groin, anal region and back part of the hip. There is red and black collar hair around the neck. The skin on the face is mostly incarnadine.

It inhabits in tropical forests, feeding on tree leaves, burgeons and fruits. It is mainly distributed in Hainan Island of China.

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