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  Library>China ABC>Fauna Flora>Introduction and Regulations>Class I Animals>Aves
Pheasant Grouse


With the alias of black pheasant, it belongs to the Phasianidae family of Galliformes order. Its scientific name is Tetraophasis obscurus (Latin), or Pheasant Grouse (English).     

Its full-length is about 44 to 54 centimeters. The upper body is mostly brown; the vertex and both sides are deep gray, with black and tan longitudinal grain in the middle. The remiges are dun, the feather brim of which has white and brown spots. The middle pair of rectrices is taupe with white end spots, and the outer rectrices are gray brown with black speckles, blue black end and pure white feather tips. Its chin, larynx, foreneck to tectices under tail are reddish maroon. The chest and abdomen are taupe; the chest feather has black and tan longitudinal grains, while the abdomen feather is light yellow mixed with brown.

Pheasant Grouseinhabits in coniferous forests, bushes and bare rock areas at an elevation of above 4,000 meters, feeding on plant roots and culms.

The bird is a resident bird and a genus endemic to China, mainly distributed ineasternTibet, Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuanand northwesternYunnanprovinces.

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