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Preserving Ancient Villages


Professor Wang Zhenzhong from the geography department at Fudan University said that utilizing existing materials is crucial. Wang suggests creating an oral history profile. "Through interviews, we can learn and record the original appearance of these ancient villages."

In China, it's common for finances to remain the focus of social development. Tourism, redecoration, reconstruction and development of ancient villages are funded by investors and villagers who seek profits.

"Local residents must love their villages and take action. The most important thing is to develop a sense of pride so that they are willing to protect their old homes instead of being forced by the local government," Chinese folk culture studies expert Tao Lifan said.

Liang Hongsheng has a different view. "You cannot make villagers think like scholars. Authorities and local residents have to reach an agreement based on commercial interests."

Either way, the maintenance of ancient villages is a costly and time-consuming task.

Source: Global Times


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