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Goings-on in China: How to Catch Fish with a Spider Web?


Applicants for South China University of Technology were surprised when they received their independent recruitment interviews. The questions proposed by the judges were “incredibly bizarre” and almost “drove the applicants crazy”.

In the all-inclusive Comprehensive Questions, all the applicants were asked to share their views about the current social phenomenon, such as the play-cute-photos attached in the resumes, the doomsday of 2012 and expected questions to China’s premier Wen Jiabao. The highlight was probably how to sell ice cubes to the Eskimos in the North Pole, which seemed contradictory to popular belief.

For the students in the science department, the interview looked like a FAQ of our daily lives. Included were such questions such as how to measure the human body’s electric resistance and explain why 3D glasses can produce the 3D effect and the scientific basis of artificial rainfall. They were also asked to explain why we couldn’t make calls at a gas station and how to catch fish with a spider web.

The students of the art department felt the same pressure as they faced the abstruse and weird questions. They were asked how to analyze current currency wars and explain “Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form”; to tell the origin of the twelve Chinese zodiac signs and break down the industrial upgrading in the Pearl River Delta from an economic perspective.

Sure, few students could hit upon the answers without long and hard brain-racking. Their counterparts on China’s Weibo expressed their mixed views, most of which were ostensibly a combination of frustration and sympathy.

User bottlelam wrote:”#How to catch fish with a spider web# As a science student, I have to express my huge pressure.”

User 贱骨头 wrote: ”#How to catch fish with a spider web# Use glue water to harden the webs!”

user 伊乐文的游乐场:”#How to catch fish with a spider web# Ask the Spiderman to give me some of his webs, I can even catch the sharks.”

Weibo users also made sarcastic comments about the questions which they deemed as boring and nonsensical.

User 三毛村无业游民觀_觀_ wrote:”#How to catch fish with a spider web# The people who composed the questions should consider how to make a boat out of a bird’s nest.”

User 瞬间de时光 wrote:”#How to catch fish with a spider web# The applicants for independent recruitment are really poor guys. I don’t know whether these questions are designed for us human kind, or, for the Gods!!!”

By Xu Xinlei


