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The Road to the Olympic Games for Wushu


Maybe we should learn from Tae kwon Do (kickboxing) which ranked as Olympic event in 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. After 1996 Asian Olympic Games, the Republic of Korea began to promote Tae Kwon Do to the world by the means of free teaching. Now, there are about 100000 Korean coaches around the world. To popularize this national event, Tea Kwon Do was listed as a compulsory course from primary school to University. If a student won the national champion, he or she can even enter the college without the entrance examination.


Wushu also can be introduced into Chinese schools for wide promotion. Except special courses, teaching books should play an important role in popularizing Wushu to the world

Standard and integrative rules for competition and judgment should be set to fit international competitions.

Professional athletes and referees are badly needed in the development of Wushu. With effective management and the backup of funds, the road to the Olympic Games for Wushu may be rocky but still promising.

By  Feng Hui

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