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Huangpu River

The Huangpu River is the mother river of Shanghai City, which witnesses the ups and downs of this great city. It is regarded as the symbol and epitome of Shanghai City, and a very important place to go if you pay a visit to Shanghai City. There are many essential views along its banks, representing the past, today and future of the city.     

It is better to start from Waitan, against the stream to the Nanpu Bridge in the south, and then to the north across the Yangpu Bridge to Wusongkou, and then back to Waitan. The Nanpu Bridge is the first bridge across the Huangpu River in Shanghai, which is 8,346 meters long. On the other bank of the river, there stands the TV tower of the Oriental Pearl, rising 468 meters to the sky. It is the highest TV tower in Asia and the third highest in the world after the towers in Canada and Moscow.      

The Huangpu Park is the first park in Shanghai, where the cenotaph in honor of some Chinese heroes stands. An iron bridge called Baidu lies across the Suzhou River beside the park, which was built in 1907. At the bridge, the Shanghai Mansion (originally called Broadway) built in 1934 can be found.

The Yangpu Bridge is another bridge across the Huangpu River, the world's No.1 cable-stayed bridge. The two bridges of Yangpu and Nanpu fly over the river like dragons, and the TV tower lies between the bank, presenting as a great picture of Two Dragons Playing with one Pearl.

Wusongkou is the joining place of the Huangpu River and the Yangtze River, and is near the spot where the Yangtze River empties into the sea. As a place where the Huangpu, the Yangtze and the East Sea join together, Wusongkou is famous for the view of water converging at the time of tide. The Huangpu River is of blue gray color, the Yangtze River is yellow because of sand, and the water of the East Sea is green. The different colors can be seen very apparently at the joining point.

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