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Higher Education

China's institutions of higher learning generally fall into several categories. Some are administered directly by the Ministry of Education, or other ministries and commissions; some are administered by governments at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions and cities directly under the central government. There are also schools run by local city and non-government-run schools. Universities and independent colleges are higher-learning institutions with equal position.

To ensure the enrolment quality of institutions of higher learning, China has established a strict entrance examination system. High school graduates with diploma can enter institutions of higher learning after passing the national college entrance examination.

By the end of 1997, there were 1,020 institutions of higher learning, with an enrolment of 176,400 postgraduates, 3.1727 million undergraduates in China. 416 key disciplines and 152 national key laboratories and department research public laboratories have been set up in institutions of higher learning.

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