The Aborigines |
Tibetan Ethnic Group
The Tibetan ethnic group is one of the oldest in China. The people have their own written and oral language, and believe in Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetans mainly live in Southwest China's Tibetan Autonomous Region with the rest forming Tibetan communities in neighboring Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan, and Yunnan provinces.
Customs |
Tibetan Costume
Tibetan costume features a loose waist, long sleeves, and a big front. People wear fur coats on festivals and big occasions.
Sports |
Horse Race and Archery
Horseracing and archery, popular all over Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region, began in 1408, when the king of Gyangtse gave a decree marking the period from April 10th through 27th of every year for prayers and a sacrificial ceremony for his grandfather, with entertainment offered on the 28th.
Festivals |
Shoton Festival
The Shoton Festival begins July 1 on the Tibetan calendar, and lasts a week. It is also known as the Yogurt (Banquet) Festival since locals customarily eat Tibetan yogurt during the gala. "Sho" means the yogurt and "ton" means banquet in the Tibetan language.