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中国式办法 Chinese solution

2014-04-03 17:23:14


中国式办法 Chinese solution


We must resolutely press ahead with medical reform and work out a Chinese solution to this global problem.

精准扶贫 to take targeted measures in poverty alleviation


Local governments need to merge poverty alleviation resources to make better use of them and take targeted measures to ensure that assistance reaches poverty-stricken villages and households.

让广大人民受惠,我们义无反顾。In order to bring greater benefits to our people, we will carry our reform through without hesitation.

政府心头之痛。This is indeed deeply distressing for the government.

保基本、兜底线、促公平。We need to meet people’s basic living needs, we need to provide last resort for people to fall back on in case of special difficulty, and we need to promote social fairness.

政府工作人员应该以百姓之心为心。All government employees must always put such special needs of our people on the top of their minds.



