Hosts: Center of International Cultural Exchange and China Daily Website and


Coriolanus performed in Edinburgh

This summer on August 20th and 21st, the Beijing People’s Art Theatre performed Coriolanus, at the Playhouse Theatre in Edinburgh. More than 4,000 people from political, cultural, educational and academic circles saw the show, appreciating the performance by Chinese artists. Coriolanus was met with great success.

The inspiration of Coriolanus comes from Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Coriolanus. In the drama, the hero, Mathews, despoiled Coriolanus, and was given the title.. However, the Coriolanus citizens drove Mathews out of their city. Mathews made a vow to despoil Coriolanus again with the help of the enemy. At last, Mathews made an order to withdraw by his friend’s wife’s and mother’s advice, and was later killed by enemy forces.

Highlight: the British media, including Financial Times, The Daily Telegraph, Scotsman, and BBC, reported on the performance and praised it. Financial Times giave it four stars; The Daily Telegraph said, “It is a milestone for a better understanding of cross-culture;” The Scotsman said, “the grand drama shows a vivid Coriolanus, and gives a better annotation of Shakespeare’s masterpiece. ” The BBC commented that the two rock bands used created an unusual way to create the suitable sounds and atmosphere.”


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