Poland Folk Song and Dance Ensemble“LUBLIN”
In 1948 the Young Spectators’ Theatre (Teatr Miodego Widza) was founded in Lublin as one of the first groups in post-World War Two Poland to feature folklore in its repertoire. In 1953 the theatre was transformed into the Lublin Region Folk Song and Dance Group. In 1959 it went on its first tour abroad. In 1984 the House of Folklore was established. In 1998 the group was renamed the Wanda Kaniorowa Folk Song and Dance Company “Lublin” (Zespol Piesni i Tanca “Lublin” im. Wandy Kaniorowej).
The Song and Dance Company “Lublin” has received numerous commendations and awards from the Minister of Culture, Minister of Education, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Governor of the Lublin Province and the Mayor of Lublin.
At present, the Company conducts classes for about 500 people, divided into 16 age groups, from 5 to 25-year-olds.
May 21-22,2012
Venue:Tsinghua University
Source: www.meetinbeijing.org.cn