Cuisine ideas for Start of Summer  

After the Start of Summer, the temperature increases quickly; people tend to be impatient and easily lose their temper. In addition, people lose their appetite more easily so it is better to eat a low-fat, low-salt diet and a light meal.

Steamed chicken in lotus leaves


Ingredients: Two pieces of fresh lotus leaves, ham 30 grams, chicken (with bone removed) 250g, mushroom 50g, cornmeal 12g, salt, white sugar, cooking wine, ginger, pepper, scallion and gourmet powder in proper amount.

Instructions: Slice chicken, mushroom, and scallion into thin and flat pieces; slice ham into 10 flat pieces, cut ginger into sections. Clean up the lotus leaves; blanch them with boiling water; remove the pedicels; cut them into 10 triangles. Blanch mushrooms and rinse with cold water. Put chicken, mushroom together with salt, white sugar, cooking wine, ginger, pepper, scallion and gourmet powder in a plate and mix them. Put them on the 10 triangle shaped lotus leaves; add one piece of ham respectively; make them into rectangles. Steam them in the wok for two hours; remove the lotus leave when eating.

Effects: Tranquilize nerves; tonify the heart. It is a good tonic diet for summer

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