Festival Carnival
· Floral decorations enlighten National Day ( 2010-10-03 )

Floral decorations have sprouted up throughout the country. Chinese people are experiencing the fantastic feelings of celebration.As the country marks its 61st birthday, Chinese cities are awash in the vibrant colors of flowers.
· Peking Opera artists celebrate National Day ( 2010-10-03 )

Some of the most renowned Peking Opera artists, young and old, have presented their special gifts to celebrate the 61st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
· National flag-raising and anthem-singing ceremony held at Potala Palace Square in Lhasa ( 2010-10-03 )

More than 3,000 people attended the national flag-raising and national anthem-singing ceremony at the Potala Palace Square in Lhasa on Oct. 1, 2010, marking the 61st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
· National flag raised to mark China's National Pavilion Day ( 2010-10-03 )

The national flag of the People's Republic of China is raised in front of China Pavilion to mark the National Pavilion Day for China at the World Expo Park in Shanghai, east China, Oct. 1, 2010.
· Chinese celebrate National Day with pride, passion ( 2010-10-01 )

Chinese people celebrated another year of achievements Friday, October 1, when they marked the 61st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with pride and passion.
· National Pavilion Day kicks off at 2010 Expo ( 2010-10-01 )

The national flag of the People's Republic of China is raised in front of China Pavilion to mark the National Pavilion Day for China at the World Expo Park in Shanghai, Oct 1, 2010, which is also the 61st anniversary of the founding of the PRC.
· Mainland tourists to Taiwan to exceed 30,000 during holidays ( 2010-10-01 )

More than 30,000 Chinese mainland tourists are expected to travel to Taiwan from Sept 29 to Oct 8, which covers the week-long National Day holidays ending on Oct 7.
· Betting on Brett ( 2010-09-30 )

The Modern Sky Music Festival keeps to its tradition of putting on foreign acts, including British pop icon Brett Anderson. Chen Nan reports
· Tiananmen swells with pride as millions join together for the nation ( 2010-09-30 )

National day is a time for pride, celebration and parades in most countries and China is no exception.
· Zebra on the move ( 2010-09-30 )

The Zebra Music Festival, with its theme of Change for Easy Life, will leave its Chengdu home and move to Hangzhou from Oct 2-4.
· What's on September 30, 2010 ( 2010-09-30 )

In honor of China's National Day, a series of performances will be put on stage during the National Day holoday.
· National Day fireworks to light up HK's night sky ( 2010-09-30 )

The National Day fireworks display will light up the Victoria Harbor of Hong Kong on Oct. 1 to celebrate the 61st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, according to the local government website Wednesday.
· How many national flags have been raised in Tian'anmen Square since the foundation of the PRC?
· 1949: Highlight of the PRC Founding Ceremony
· National Day Origins in Different Countries

Mid-Autumn Festival

The 60th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China

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