Five “Don’ts” While Drinking Beer in the Summer  

Even though cold beers cool people down in the summer, cold beers can cause people to be sick and affect digestion by lowering the temperature of the gastrointestinal tract too quickly, reducing blood flow within the digestive system. Drinking cold beer may even cause gastrointestinal diseases such as diarrhea. Sometimes, it may even cause acute pancreatitis.

Fourth, don’t drink too many beers Despite the low alcohol content of beer, drinking too many beers is still harmful to people’s health. The water content of beer will be eliminated quickly after drinking, while the alcohol content will be absorbed by the body. Drinking too many beers will increase the burden of your liver, kidney and heart, and impair other important organs.

Drinking beers can also cause the formation of lithiasis (the build up of mineral salts in the kidney, pancreas or appendix), and cause the build up of fat. Experts suggest that people should drink no more than 1000 ml of beers a day.

Fifth, beers are not suitable for stout people. Beers are generally categorized into two groups: processed and unprocessed. The unprocessed beers refer to those that haven’t gone through a sterilization process to get rid of bacteria. The body and texture of the beer is better than processed beer. Unprocessed beer also has more amino acids and proteins. Because unprocessed beer taste better and is healthier, it is overall more popular than processed beer. However, stout people shouldn’t drink too much unprocessed beer because the yeast in unprocessed beer can continue to live inside the human body. The live yeast will promote the secretion of gastric juice improving one’s appetite. Therefore, for stout people and dieting people, processed beers are more suitable.

Source: Weather China

Translated by Chen Yanqiu

Editor: Wen Yi


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