Directed by WEN Yimin, the silent film Red Heroine (1929) is the oldest surviving kung fu film. Tinted in red, this is the sixth episode of a series of thirteen. Soldiers carry off a young girl and kill her grandmother. She is saved by a mysterious hermit with a yeti’s head who trains her in martial arts so that she can take revenge. A charming cinema UFO, punctuated with fight scenes, pretty heroines, nasty villains and rather old-fashioned special effects.
The screening of the film will be accompanied by a performance of the Devil Music Ensemble, an American trio which has composed energetic, spellbinding music especially for the film.
Date: 09.10.2009 > 10.10.2009 - 20:30 Place: Théâtre 140, Brussels
Source: www.europalia.eu
Editor: Dong Jirong