Red Heroine (China) & the Devil Music Ensemble (USA)  

Directed by WEN Yimin, the silent film Red Heroine (1929) is the oldest surviving kung fu film. Tinted in red, this is the sixth episode of a series of thirteen. Soldiers carry off a young girl and kill her grandmother. She is saved by a mysterious hermit with a yeti’s head who trains her in martial arts so that she can take revenge. A charming cinema UFO, punctuated with fight scenes, pretty heroines, nasty villains and rather old-fashioned special effects.

The screening of the film will be accompanied by a performance of the Devil Music Ensemble, an American trio which has composed energetic, spellbinding music especially for the film.

Date: 09.10.2009 > 10.10.2009 - 20:30  Place: Théâtre 140, Brussels


Editor: Dong Jirong


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