GONG Linna - the New Voice of Chinese Art Music  

Vocalist GONG Linna is a rising star in China. After a traditional education at the Beijing Conservatory, she quickly succeeded in mastering a wide range of genres. She attracted attention in her native country due to her sophisticated virtuosity and humour and her daring mix of eastern and western influences, pop and traditional music. From the folklore of Southern China to the classical court music via the Beijing opera, local colour is ever present in her songs. The link between modernity and tradition can also be found in GONG Linna’s texts; she doesn’t only sing her own works and contemporary poetry, but classical Chinese poems as well.

GONG Linna, vocals; WANG Hua, dizi, xiao; WANG Yao, zheng; NIE Yunlei, sheng; YANG Fei, yangqin; CHEN Meitong, cello

In the framework of the weekend ’Traditional Voices. europalia.china à BOZAR ’

Time: 04.12.2009   Place: Handelsbeurs Concertgebouw

Time: 05.12.09     Place: Centre for Fine Arts

Source: www.europalia.eu

Editor: Dong Jirong



About Europalia Arts Festival
Europalia is a major international arts festival held every two years to celebrate one invited country’s cultural heritage. Its name is a combination of two words: “Europe” and “Opalia,” an ancient Roman harvest festival held in mid-December in honor of Ops, earth-goddess and fertility deity.
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