Wujiatou Cantonese Ensemble  

Who would have thought that three members of the Wujiatou Cantonese ensemble are also hard rock or jazz musicians? During the day, they earn their living as teachers at the Xinghai Conservatory in their hometown Guangzhou. In the evenings they do something completely different: making traditional Cantonese ensemble music in concert halls.

Cantonese instrumental music has become one of the trendiest genres of Southern China. The tradition may officially be only one hundred years old, but its roots reach back as far as many centuries ago. This means that a great historical responsibility lies on the young shoulders of the Wujiatou Cantonese ensemble.

Musicians: YU Lefu, gaohu, erxian and zhutiqin; LANG Ping, yehu and zhutiqin ; LIN Zhicheng, dizi and dongxiao ; WU Di, yangqin; TONG Shaomin, qinqin and ruan

Source: www.europalia.eu

Editor: Dong Jirong



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