The Legend of the White Serpent  

In more than a half-century of existence, the Shanghai Peking Opera Troupe has developed a unique artistic style, combining tradition and modernity. Recognised by the Chinese Ministry of Culture as one of the ten Beijing Opera national troupes, it has produced and played hundreds of traditional, mythical, historic and modern pieces of great quality. Playing abroad as often as at home, the Shanghai Peking Opera Troupe promotes Chinese culture throughout the world. The Legend of the White Snake is one of the best-known and best-loved pieces in the repertoire of the Beijing opera. This is the story of a supernatural snake which, after turning into a human, falls desperately in love with a scholar. But the Gods frown on this match…

Production Shanghai Peking Opera Troupe

Support City of Shanghai

Surtitles: NL

In the framework of the " Shanghai Cultural Week in Antwerp"


Editor: Dong Jirong


About Europalia Arts Festival
Europalia is a major international arts festival held every two years to celebrate one invited country’s cultural heritage. Its name is a combination of two words: “Europe” and “Opalia,” an ancient Roman harvest festival held in mid-December in honor of Ops, earth-goddess and fertility deity.
· About Europalia Arts Festival
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