Guangdong Modern Dance Company  

Upon Calligraphy / Sticks

Created in 1992, the Guangdong Modern Dance Company is China’s main professional modern dance company, famous worldwide for its superb, fascinating performances. Its vision of modern dance – conceived as a tool of personal development and expression – attracts China’s most talented dancers and choreographers.

Upon Calligraphy is a poem in motion, based on the stylistic essence of several Chinese texts. The dancers’ bodies evoke the calligraphers’ brushes. The move from slow, delicate movements to faster, more expressive movements corresponds to the development of Chinese writing, and even of communication in general.

Sticks is an animated story illustrating the youth of the dancer and choreographer of Tibetan origin, SANG Jijia, and his passion for dance.



About Europalia Arts Festival
Europalia is a major international arts festival held every two years to celebrate one invited country’s cultural heritage. Its name is a combination of two words: “Europe” and “Opalia,” an ancient Roman harvest festival held in mid-December in honor of Ops, earth-goddess and fertility deity.
· About Europalia Arts Festival
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