Propaganda Posters-Art and revolution  

Propaganda posters enable to witness the historic and aesthetic changes undergone by the Chinese Society since 1949. At that time, propaganda art was one of the major means to explain and illustrate the legitimacy of the Communist Party’s policies and visions of the future. It reinforced the messages passed on by other media such as newspapers, film and radio broadcasting. So-called propaganda art has played a major role in the many campaigns designed to mobilize the people, and throughout the People’s Republic, the propaganda poster has been the favorite vehicle through which art conveyed model behavior. Stefan Landsberger and the International Institute of Social History have collected Chinese political posters for many years now, and have brought together an impressive collection of over 4,000 prints, illustrating almost six decades of Chinese poster production.


About Europalia Arts Festival
Europalia is a major international arts festival held every two years to celebrate one invited country’s cultural heritage. Its name is a combination of two words: “Europe” and “Opalia,” an ancient Roman harvest festival held in mid-December in honor of Ops, earth-goddess and fertility deity.
· About Europalia Arts Festival
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