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Mongolian Pastoral Song

It is characterized by an abundance of ornamentation, falsetto (artificially high notes), a long and continuously flowing melody with rich rhythmical variation, an extremely wide vocal range, and a free compositional form. The rising melody is slow and steady while the falling melody is often intercepted with a lively triple continuant (a type of method to prolong sounds), imitating the pace of life in the grasslands.

Performances and compositions of the Mongolian minority's pastoral songs are closely linked to the nomadic pastoral way of life, which is still widely practiced in Mongolia.

Risk of Disappearance

The repertoire of the pastoral songs is gradually decreasing, while the remaining songs are becoming increasingly standardized.

Parts of the grasslands where tradition-bearers used to live as nomads have fallen victim to desertification. As a result, it has caused many families to shift to a sedentary way of life where many classical themes of the Changdiao, such as the praise of typical nomads' virtues and experiences, lose their relevance.

Action plan

The two sides of China and Mongolia will jointly carry out research on protection of the pastoral songs, which is of great significance to passing on the declining cultural heritage.


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