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Kowtowing Long
( 2005-10-27 )

Kowtowing Long is a devout ritual to worship Buddha by the disciples and followers in areas of Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region whereBuddhismis popularly practiced, especially inLhasa.

The most attractive about Lhasa is the Buddhists on its streets. Palms put together, they prostrate themselves on the ground, with head, arms, and knees down to ground, and move forward slowly every step with a kowtow. This is the highest admiration of the Buddhist followers, and is the way to express the most honest hearts to the Buddha. Some of them kowtow all the way to Lhasa from afar step by step, while others, from the surrounding local areas.

Immediately upon their arrival, the worshipers make the three-hour walk along the monastery's corridors before entering each of the chambers and kowtowing to theBuddhist statuesinside. With hands held high and palms joined, they began to touch their mouth and chest, taking a small step forward after each series of touches, before throwing themselves to their knees and finally prostrating themselves, foreheads tapping the ground. Each kowtow is performed while the Buddhists chant the six-word sutra and is marked by moving forward one bead of the string they hold in their palms.

Placing the palms together shows an understanding of the Buddha's decrees and instructions. Touching the forehead, mouth, and chest means that all parts of their bodies have mixed with the Buddha, combining into one.

In the morning the locals kowtow around the monasteries for half an hour, then go home to change their clothes, wash their hands, and have breakfast before going to work.

Althouhg religious in nature, this kind of kowtow requires physical movement all over the body. It is truly a special scene in Lhasa.


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