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Prayer Flags
( 2005-10-27 )

3. Expressive design

The design of a prayer flag consists of two parts: the picture and the scripture. A typical prayer flag has a horse bearing three flaming jewels -- symbolizing the Buddha, Buddhist teachings, and the Buddhist community -- on the back of its center. At each corner of the flag there is a god of protection, believed to be capable of eliminating bad luck. These gods are represented by the symbols of the garuda (a mythical eagle), the penetratingdragon, the watchfultiger, and the triumphant lion.

Scattered among the images are a few lines of scripture, serving as a foil to the picture and forming a pleasant contrast. The combination of the symbols represents the five elements in the universe, signifying their circulation and the eternity of life. Besides these images, Buddha and Buddhist scriptures are also employed.

The combination of the pictures and the scripture is usually well spaced, with a conspicuous theme. The picture, the colors, and the scripture tend to have deep connotations and symbolic meaning. According to the Bon religious doctrine, the five animals on the prayer flags represents five parts of the human body: The central horse is the symbol of the human soul as well as good luck; the garuda is the animal of the life force; the tiger symbolizes the human body; the dragon indicates prosperity while the lion refers to destiny.

The scripture on the flags often focuses on Indian Bhadrani incantations and the six-word mystic teaching of the truth (Om-ma-ni, pad-me-Hum). In some cases, the first word "Om" is engraved on the belly of the horse.

4. Making and hanging prayer flags

The process of making prayer flags is similar to that of making Tibetan scripture and wooden Buddhist carvings. First, painters and calligraphers are invited to paint images and write scripture on a piece of paper or a board, and then folk-carving craftsmen are asked to carve the pictures and scripture in detail onto a motherboard, which is then used to print the design on a piece of colorful cloth or paper. Harmonious spacing is important to the correct design of the wind-horse carving, as is the color contrast, the subtle combination of pictures and scriptures, and the vividness of the overall flavor and tone.

The hanging of prayer flags is more flexible and is not confined to one pattern. Generally speaking, there are five hanging patterns.

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