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Tibetan Quilts
( 2005-10-27 )

Tibetan quilts are an indispensable part of people's lives and have a 1,000-year history. Generally speaking, such quilts are fine, clean, even, soft, high-density, thick and durable. They also possess a unique weaving method.

The Tibetan quilt is usually divided into four types, namely, the twin-, three-, and four-thread woven and high-grade quilt, respectively weighing 5, 7, 8 and 12.5 kilograms. A common quilt can be used for at least eight years, while a high- quality one can be used by two generations. The material for a high-grade quilt is constituted from pure, thin wool, allowing for a very soft and warm result.

Legend goes that Tibetan quilts began to appear when Princess Wencheng of theTang Dynasty(618-907) was married to the Tubo King in 641. The princess brought the advanced weaving method of the Han peopl to Tubo (ancient Tibet kingdom).

Tibetan quilts are mainly produced in Shannan, Xigaze andLhasa, and the Shannan's quilts are the most famous.


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