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King Gesar Is Brought to Life in Dance Drama


"It is the first time a Chinese dance drama has gone beyond old stereotypes and made full use of staging and artistic methods," said artistic director, Chen Weiya, who was vice director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

To present the mystery and splendor of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and showcase the abundant folk culture of Tibetans, a team from the theater company visited locations between 2008 and 2011 said to be resided by King Gesar. Props and costumes were designed in accordance with historical records to ensure authenticity.

Under the guidance of director Li Xining, the work is a combination of dance, theater, acrobatics and song.

In one pas de deux, leading male and female dancers twirl effortlessly in mid-air, suspended by cables.

During the show's climatic showdown between King Gesar and Zhaotion, the two dance on a four-meter-high platform in an aerial battle.

The stage is lit throughout the dance drama by dazzling lights, and images of dancers are projected onto a giant screen onstage, creating what director Li describes as an "illusionary atmosphere." Performers are projected as a part of a Thangka image, a Tibetan silk painting with embroidery usually depicting a Buddhist deity or famous scene. "Instead of astonishing the audience, we use the dance to highlight Gesar's presence as a half divine, half human king," Li explained.

Where: NCPA, 2 Chang'an Avenue, Xicheng district

When: March 13-15, 7:30 pm

Tickets: 80-480 yuan

Contact: 6655-0000

Editor: Liu Fang

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