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Kungfu Revelations:9 Scrolls Fire the Imagination


On the stage, artists playing young monks kick, punch and wield their weapons with unnerving speed, power and agility. The stunning effects of this visual feast can be attributed to its innovative choreography and action-timed music that punctuates it with fearsome thuds as the combatants slam each other to the ground.

More to the point, it uses a poetic and dramatic form of Kungfu to interpret and portray the very soul of Chinese culture, art, and philosophy. It stimulates the meditative minds of the audience as they are swept away into a world of imagination.

Kungfu Revelations: 9 Scrolls is China's first indigenous style of stage play. The show allows the audiences of the world, burdened by the anxiety of a modern life, to attain a new sense of the vigor and essence of life.

Kungfu Revelations: 9 Scrolls sets new standards in the world of the performing arts. It is acclaimed as the most pure and successful artistic expression of Kungfu since it first stepped onto the stage in China in 2008.

By Xu Xinlei


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