Every Beijinger knows Liubiju, the 500-year-old pickle-shop-turned-modern enterprise that has undergone such impressive changes in the last 10 years.
In 1988 all the sauce and pickle makers in Beijing, including Liubiju, merged to establish the Beijing Pickles Company, later renamed the Liubiju Food Company. Management of the new company didn't flinch before the difficult situation they faced -- a large number of small workshops scattered throughout the suburbs, dilapidated premises, broken-down equipment, and aging employees. They knew that economy of scale and a recognizable brand name are necessary to success today, and took bold steps to build a modern, consolidated industry.
The name Liubiju was taken from the motto coined by the shop's founder and means "House of Six Musts," referring to prime raw materials, choice ingredients, the best yeast, pure water, proper curing, and flavorful pickles. Today the motto still holds true for the Liubiju Food Company. While following traditional processing methods, the company also stresses quality control and application of new technology. Internal reforms have also been implemented to adjust business and production structures to guarantee continuous growth.
The company has also poured a lot of money into renovating its buildings and equipment. A large amount of money was spent on new curing vats, stainless steel and reinforced fiberglass tanks, modern production equipment, and new washing, sterilization, and packing equipment. Funds have also been invested in opening vegetable farms and pre-processing facilities -- so far more than 30 have been set up near Beijing andTianjin, guaranteeing a continuous supply of quality raw materials.