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Antiques at the Guanfu Museum


Oil Painting Hall

The paintings of modern Chinese artists like Chen Yifei, Yang Feiyun, Chen Yanning, Liu Wenjing and Luo Zhongli can all be found here. Besides that, there are also over 10 pieces of precious sculptures exhibited within the hall.

The permanent exhibition in Art and Craft Hall is on cloisonne, enamel wares, golden or bronze figural, bronze, lacquer, jade, classical furniture and hand stone inlaid wares from the Song to the Qing Dynasty.

Art and Craft Hall

Divided into three halls, over 100 pieces of ancient art and craft works are dotted within the area. Lacquered furniture, cloisonné, ancient stationery and bronze tools can all be found.

Door and Window Frame Hall

Most of the door and window frames displayed here are made in Jiangnan. The hall is divided into five smaller halls for the convenience of visitors.

Here are some of the collections in the museum.

Porcelain pen holder with fish motifs

Period: Qing, Emperor Kangxi’s reign (1661-1722)

This was a necessary item on the scholar’s desk and part of the “four-treasures” in the study. The pen holder was used daily, especially when calligraphy was practiced every day. Emperor Kangxi, who was known as a lover of calligraphy, pushed for the production of an enormous volume of pen holders during his reign. This pen holder is 15 centimeters tall and shows three vermilion fishes chasing one another. The word for fish in Mandarin, yu, is often associated with auspicious connotations.

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