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Chinese Ancient Coins


The currency is a medium for the exchange of commodities;it was the inevitable outcome of such exchanges.In ancient China the currency came in different forms and was made variously from shells,jade,gold,silver,and paper.The following is a brief introduction to ancient coins in China.


Shell money.Shell money was the oldest form of currency in ancient China.As the shells were small and hard in texture,they came in handy as money.By the Shang and Zhou dynasties the use of shell money reached its zenith,and shell money became a symbol of wealth.Even today the Chinese like to call their most valuable objects"baobei",which is derived from the name of the Chinese shell money.In ancient China it was not uncommon to use shell money as burial objects.

Hoe-like Money.The hoe-like money was evolved from an ancient Chinese farming tool.In the early days it bore close resemblance to a hoe.Because the hoe is similar to the shovel.This is why the hoe-like money is also known as "shovel money".


Bronze money in the design of seashells.With the development of commodity exchange,the supply of natural shells as the currency ran out of supply.Imitation shell money made from stone,bone,ceramics and bronze was thus invented to make up for the shortage.But eventually it was bronze shell-shaped money that replaced natural shells.It was not until Qinshihuang unified the currency in 221 B.C.that shells finally were with-drawn from commodity circulation.

Knife-shaped money.Cast of bronze during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods,the money's knife-like shape was derived from a certain weapon from old days.

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