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Buddha Statues in China


Sakyamuni Buddha and two attendant Bodhissattvas Taihe reign of Northern Wei Dynasty(477-499)

Buddha statues have become a hot item in the collection market in recent years. The statues fall into two categories: ancient, and Ming and Qing dynasty. Generally, Buddha statues made before the Ming and Qing dynasties can be categorized as ancient Buddha statues, which were precious in historical value, artistic quality, and craftsmanship.


Many materials have been used to make Buddha statues, such as gold, bronze, stone, jade, wood, pottery and porcelain, among which golden and bronze Buddha statues are best liked by collectors. The value of a Buddha statue lies in its craftsmanship and the inscriptions that reflect the artistic style and values of the ancient time in which it was sculpted. Generally speaking, the bigger the Buddha statue, the more valuable it is, and statues made by the royal court are more precious than those made by common people.

By  Feng Hui

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