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Hongshan Jade Artifacts Make Guilin Visit


Hongshan Jade Article
Cirrus-shaped jades can be classified into four types by analyzing their patterns and designs: decorative articles, tools, animals and special ones. The association of the shapes of these jade articles with their cultural context indicates that special articles and tools were made to meet the needs of religious ceremonies. The discovery of the Hongshan cirrus-shaped jade dragon strongly suggests Inner Mongolia is one of the essential sites to trace the worship of the dragon by the Chinese people.

Hongshan Jade Bird Dragon

Hongshan culture is known not only for its jade artifacts but also for its remarkable achievements in architecture, pottery-making, and pottery sculptures (red pottery with black patterns and pottery decorated with Z-shaped designs). In recent years, the ruins of large buildings, tombs, a pottery goddess figure and many jade animal carvings have been discovered. They point back to the years of Hongshan culture as a source of Chinese civilization.

Judging from the position of Hongshan culture in the archeological culture of ancient Northern China and China in the Neolithic Age, we can well assume that Hongshan culture is one of the most advanced cultures among the ranks of its peers in both southern and northern China.

Editor: Wen Yi

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