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A Century of Chinese Oil Painting


"Painting styles and trends are changing fast. Finding their own voices and personal marks have become a matter of life and death in the fledgling Chinese art market and global markets as well," said art critic Xu Hongmei.


For instance, Wang Guangyi borrowed the revolutionary poster commonly seen during the "cultural revolution" to make his black-humour "Great Criticism" series that, on one hand, criticizes Western commercialism and consumerism, on the other hand, has scored huge successes in the art market.

Younger artists such as Xin Dongwang, Liu Xiaodong and Zhang Xiaogang have adopted a more complicated approach toward their subject matter by using the most marketable styles to depict the commonest Chinese, their loss, confusion, hopes and boredom in face of a rapidly changing society, observed art critic Li Gongming.

Editor: Li Jing


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