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Winter Recipe: Duck Soup with Four Gods


Materials (serves 3-4):

1 duck, 15 grams of poria cocos, 20 grams of gorgon fruit, 20 grams of lotus seeds, 20 grams of dried Chinese yam, 8 bowls of water, and 3 slices of ginger.


1. Wash the duck clean and cut it into pieces;

2. Boil the duck pieces in hot water for about three minutes and take out;

3. Wash the four Chinese herbal medicines clean, and soak in clean water for 30 minutes;

4. Put 8 bowls of water into a pot and bring to a boil;

5. Put all the materials into the pot and cook for 20 minutes over high heat;

6. Then boil over low heat for one hour and a half, add salt to taste. Ready to serve.


This soup helps nourish kidneys, and enhance positive energy in human body.

Editor: Shi Liwei

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