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Hani Minority-the Ethnic Group Behind the Popular Torchbearer


Colorful wedding customs

The wedding customs of the Hani nationality remain the most colorful and interesting. There are at least three kind of marriages among them:

Crying marriage: During the wedding the bride cries loudly due to the unspeakable pain of leaving her parents. The louder she cries, the closer the relationship with her parents. The weeping usually lasts for a long time and stops just before arriving at the village where the bridegroom lives.

Service marriage: If a man isn’t wealthy enough he can pay for the marriage through service, which means he is adopted into his wife's family, acquiring the same obligations as a son.

Elope marriage: When they don’t agree with the couple that their parents have chosen, lovers can carry out a secret marriage, eloping with one another. They return few days later to tell their families what they’ve done.

By: Hu Zhicheng

Editor: Liu Rong

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